The News

Came to know!

The CPO and the CEO, after a long session of massive pre-board-meeting head-bang with the c-suite, called me aside to the CEO room (which we all use). And asked, “Do you really want it?” And I said - “Yes!”... 

Here is how it went in detail: 

CEO: So, we have decided to put our faith in you and support you fully to take on a massive responsibility. We want you to be the CPO. Are you up for it?

CPO: It is important that we know that you really want it, and you really crave for it. 

Me: Yeah! Definitely. But .... mumble mumble .... trying to establish some ground rules for it.

CEO: However, you need to work on your leadership skills like crazy. We will support you but you are not yet there. You are still very narrow focused Product guy. As an executive, you will have to take on a lot more. 

CPO: How well do you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on your ability to get things done?

Me: 6 on 10

CPO: I rate you 3 on 10. 

Me: So why are you even offering this to me?

CPO: Because your product chops are in great place. You have empathy and your heart is in the right place but you still have a ton of work to do.

Later in the day, I called a lot of my friends who I think know something about leadership. CPOs of big  tech companies, CPOs of small tech companies, Founders of big tech companies, Heads of Banks. 

I was told to do the following:

  1. Read Hard Things About Hard Things
  2. Watch this Ted Talk
  3. Make a list of things I think are leadership and then rate myself on those 
  4. Measure what matters 

Let us see where it takes me...